As founder of a company specializing in pool safety installations, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to over 1,000 pool owners, both private and professional, all over France.
Most of them raised a problem: regulating the water level in their pool. Either they hadn’t thought to equip their pool with an automatic system when it was built, or the system sealed into the beaches had broken down and could only be repaired at great expense. The solutions they came up with were unsatisfactory: throw a hose into the pond and wait for long minutes, or “beep” an alarm (but it never beeps at the right time)… Most of the time, an oversight had cost them cubic meters of water, and a flood!
Now, filling a pool to the right level is a factor of comfort and safety Evaporation and splashing cause the pond to lose several liters a day, and if the water level is too low, you can end up damaging costly technical components such as the filtration pump, a pH control sensor or even an automatic cover. I’ve seen owners lose a lot by neglecting this maintenance operation, or by being away from home for a few weeks…
So I decided to design, patent and bring to market a universal filling system for pools, fountains, jacuzzis and other leisure ponds. A reliable system, without electronics but with a high-performance valve, that can be permanently installed in all pools – including overflow pools – and remains accessible for maintenance and servicing. But also a simple system that can be installed on a one-off basis to fill your pool every week, for example.
This is how the product was conceived in 2008:
I also wanted to maintain French manufacturing, with quality and eco-design. The materials we use are selected for their durability (316L stainless steel or UV-treated reinforced pipes, for example), our subcontractors are all local, we don’t use injection molding in China, we have our own molds, and the PVC we use is recycled and recyclable.

The only wearing part of the device is a small EPDM membrane, which we detail : we’re against planned obsolescence! All this comes at a cost, but thanks to our success we’ve managed to maintain our prices since commercial launch, with just one 15% increase, on options only, in 2022!
Today, fourteen years after its launch, NivOmatic has sold several thousand units in over twenty countries. Professionals in public pools, treatment pools (thalassotherapy, physiotherapy) and hotels use it every day, and are delighted with its reliability: several of our first units are still working, and will continue to do so for a long time to come!
You too can benefit from our experience. Equip your pool for greater comfort, to avoid wasting water, and for greater safety!