Swimming pool and evaporation

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Evaporation occurs naturally in all bodies of water, including your pool. Without wishing to discourage you, there are so many factors at play that it’s illusory to try and calculate precisely your pond’s daily water losses: kits, gadgets and other calculation tables on the market are ineffective. The best reference we know, a precise and complex physical analysis: this page

Without even mentioning human factors – your pool’s daily water loss depends on how often it is used – here are a few meteorological and environmental parameters that come into play: sunshine, exposure, heat, wind speed, air humidity, … All this leads to significant variations in the amount of water evaporating from your pond.

The shape of your pool is also a factor, since evaporation is proportional to the surface area of water exposed to the air, not to the volume of water in the pool. A swimming pool can lose up to 3% of its water volume per day!

Evaporation is one of the factors that cause water levels to fall, and the NivOmatic level controller can compensate for this.

NivOmatic automatic level regulator installed on coping stones with evaporator water hose supply

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