Swimming pool and evaporation

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Evaporation occurs naturally in all bodies of water, including your pool. Without wishing to discourage you, there are so many factors at play that it’s illusory to try and calculate precisely your pond’s daily water losses: kits, gadgets and other … Read More

Tariff and conditions of carriage

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Dear clients, following the DOUBLING of the transport tariff by UPS (March 2022), our transport offer favors shipments by Colissimo (or Letter followed for elbow fittings and membranes). We maintain – for the moment – a free offer in Mondial … Read More

Choose your NivOmatic model

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How to choose your NivOmatic? “Removable installation”, or “Removable or fixed installation”? Nothing’s easier. In fact, originally there was only a NivOmatic, the “removable or fixed” version. It suited all uses. After a few years, we realized that a majority … Read More

Make life easier !

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A few years ago, during my many visits to swimming pools as a safety expert, I talked to their owners about how they regulated the water level. And the answers often made me smile … The classic method is to … Read More

Fuites dans votre bassin : un diagnostic simple !!!

Vous constatez une perte d’eau dans votre piscine : s’agit-il d’un phénomène normal, lié à l’évaporation, aux éclaboussures, etc … ou s’agit-il d’une fuite, qui affecterait l’étanchéité du bassin ou des installations hydrauliques ? Voici une astuce pour tenter de … Read More

L’évaporation dans votre piscine

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Régulateur NivOmatic installé sur margelles avec alimentation d’eau” width=”300″ height=”200″ /> L’évaporation est compensée par le régulateur de niveau d’eau NivOmatic[/caption] L’évaporation frappe tous les plans d’eau, y compris votre piscine : c’est un phénomène naturel. Sans vouloir vous décourager, … Read More